
For Transparent Judiciary Respecting the Principle of Equality

Aim and character of the project

The main aim of the project implemented by the Citizen, Democracy and Accountability (the former Citizen and Democracy) is to strengthen the impartiality of the judiciary system and the public confidence in its lawful and transparent decision-making. Our aim also covers the need to strengthen an important aspect in courts’ decision-making, cutting across all areas of their decision-making practice, which also requires an in-depth and interdisciplinary understanding of the issue. This important aspect is the equality principle.

The goal of the project, implemented from April 2009 to December 2010, is to strengthen the principles of the rule of law – in particular the principles of equality and non-discrimination, the principle of legal certainty and protection of legitimate expectations, and the principle of lawfulness. It is not only important to strengthen the public control of the judiciary system in general, but also the public control of the judiciary system with respect to courts’ decision-making concerning the right to equality in the broadest sense of the word. Equally important is to improve civic participation as a crucial condition for the public control of the judiciary.

Multilevel Empowerment of Expert Capacities in Anti-Discrimination Domain

The main objective of the project is to strengthen expert capacities of lawyers and journalists through extensive antidiscrimination training (both in theory and practice) of students of law and journalism. Project participants are also engaged, under professional supervision, in antidiscrimination activities performed by the Citizen, Democracy and Accountability (the former Citizen and Democracy). We believe that once the project is completed they will further promote antidiscrimination activities at various levels and in various manners.

Additional target groups of the subproject include:

  • the general public – mainly through outputs published at,
  • non-governmental organisations whose capacities should be strengthened by a newly-established group of experts with the necessary expertise on anti(discrimination),
  • public institutions and persons responsible for decision-making with impacts on the situation in the field of (anti)discrimination, which may benefit from the project directly (e.g. existence of new sources of information on (anti)discrimination), as well as indirectly (establishment of new expert capacities that these institutions might make use of in future).

Vyššia prevencia diskriminácie lepším využitím poznatkov a občianskych zručností

V období od októbra 2009 do marca 2010 sme realizovali projekt Vyššia prevencia diskriminácie lepším využitím poznatkov a občianskych zručností. Hlavným cieľom projektu bolo prispieť k implementácii záväzkov SR v oblasti práva na rovnosť (vrátane rodovej rovnosti) a antidiskriminácie a posilniť tým účinnú ochranu pred diskrimináciou, rasizmom, xenofóbiou a inými formami intolerancie. Projekt sa realizoval v rámci Akčného plánu predchádzania všetkým formám diskriminácie, rasizmu, xenofóbie, antisemitizmu a ostatným prejavom intolerancie na obdobie rokov 2009 – 2011.

Na ceste k rovnosti

Združenie Občan a demokracia v roku 2008 v spolupráci s mimovládnymi organizáciami Inštitút pre verejné otázky (IVO), PDCS - Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia a Hlava 98 s podporou programu Európskeho spoločenstva PROGRESS* realizovalo projekt s názvom Na ceste k rovnosti: zvyšovanie povedomia a viacúrovňové posilňovanie občianskej spoločnosti a verejných aktérov v oblasti antidiskriminácie.

Cieľ projektu:

Prispieť k eliminácii diskriminácie, a to využívaním viacúrovňových interdisciplinárnych prístupov, ktoré prepájajú právne, sociologické, psychologické, mediálne a iné súvislosti.

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